Day #3 - Third day's the charm

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Today is Wednesday and like yesterday I arrived way too fast. And I also arrived before the janitor. There wasn’t a lot of tasks today, just a little bit of Docker and technical support.

After sleeping for a bit (lol), the first thing I did on the computer was opening Docker Desktop. I worked on the react nginx setup again, and with help from the docker docs site, I successfully ran a containerized react demo served from nginx, with a multi phase build step.

I took a break and went with my friend to a nearby office to deliver a note requesting for a receipt. The journey made me dizzy because the lift’s acceleration was way faster than the one at school. After that I cant focus to do anything haha.

After that sir Rudi gave a task to help fix some broken laptops and PCs. Some of them have notes saying that the machines are plain slow and actually reduces productivity (no wonder, they’re still running hard drives). One Lenovo laptop had 4 gigs of ram on one slot (according to the task manager) but upon disassembling the laptop and saw two sticks, I tried to took one out the laptop, and it can’t boot as a result haha.

Sir Rudi mentioned that they are also planning to redesign metland’s site, and urged me to make a small mockup with React, if I have time to spare. “Sir you surely don’t need react for a static site..”, I said, then I told him there is a new framework made for building static sites just like Metland’s site. So that’s cool.

That’s it for today, I hope I can do a better job tomorrow