About me

Hello, my name is Efraim. I am a student from Indonesia currently learning web development. I have 2 years of experience using various technologies such as JavaScript, Vue and Astro.

In the frontend space, I have picked up various things, including:

I am also interested in backend web development, so I have learned a little bit of bash scripting. I have learned a little bit about Firebase, PostgreSQL and also Node & Express.

In my development, I primarily use VS Code for my code editor, but recently I have gotten into Neovim. I will probably publish my config soon.

when I'm not coding, I like editing Indonesian Wikipedia articles about Formula One or playing chess.

I first got into software development when I was in 9th grade. At the time I was looking at Python tutorial videos on YouTube, and out of curiosity I clicked one of them and learned Python. I remember when I first installed Python and Pycharm, then printing hello world to the console. I was so happy that I can program a computer to do something. From there, my curiosity peaked. I looked into web development, learned HTML CSS and JS, and now here we are. Huge thanks to Mosh for getting me to where I am now!