Day #43 - Small part of a big problem

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Today I was told that I have another task which is to test all modules of an internal app, but only when yesterday’s task is done. So I decided to continue the work from yesterday. Like I said It’s a very big and complex task.. I didn’t do a lot, because I was just sitting around reading the code. It involved a really big stored procedure with several lines of joins with i think 20 or so tables… yeah it’s a horror show. I feel really bad today because I didn’t make a lot of progress, and at the end of the day I understood very little of what the SP does with all its table dependencies. I’m sorry but the SP is just that big.

I copied and tried to run one part of the query which is a 50-line SELECT with multiple joins. It worked on the SP, but when run as a separate query it doesn’t… This stumped me until the evening. Ugh I think I can’t do this