Day #5 - Printers and stuff, also it's friday

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In the morning I immediately turned on my computer to work on yesterday’s design. I implemented the navbar, polished the 12-column grid system (which I think is far from good) and also made some markdown posts. I’ll show this site to my instructors tomorrow Monday. If they want to do a full redesign, I have some headless CMSes in mind, like Payload, Directus, Strapi or Sanity, but I don’t know which one to pick yet.

Then me and my friend helped Sir Rudi to install Brother printer drivers on some 7 laptops, to enable wireless printing. It was my first time interacting with non-IT staff members haha.

Thank heavens it’s friday, I can get two days off, all this work and commute is really tiring. See you in 2 days