Day #29 - I got into a fight with an HTML input field today

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Today is another Monday, and I decided to write a dedicated entry today (which I should) because unlike other Mondays in the past few weeks, today I actually did something interesting , and I feel today really deserves its own post.

Still from last week, I was working on the main site’s CMS, which is built with CodeIgniter 3 (😭). I continued building the CRUD functionality on the media, which involved file input fields.

The UI is not that great but it’s enough to be usable. You can click on a button to add an input field, you can do it infinitely (yeah definitely will work on that tomorrow) and if you submit without uploading an image.. you can’t because it’s required. It’s great for an MVP. That’s just the C of the CRUD process, and the U and D (soft delete) part also works great.

I’m pretty proud of it. But let me tell you, implementing D was really hard. Initially I had a list of preview images on top of the inputs roughly like so:

  <img src="urltoimage.jpg" />
  <img src="urltoanotherimage.jpg" />

  <input type="file" required />

<button>Add image</button>

Yeah I used divs I know, I’ll refactor it later I guess, I just don’t have the time to do it right. Anyways I decided to add checkboxes to mark which images should be soft deleted:

  <img src="urltoimage.jpg" />
  <label>Delete image</label>
  <input type="checkbox" name="images[idofimage1][is_deleted]" value="0" />
  <input type="hidden" name="images[idofimage1][id]" value="idofimage1" />

  <img src="urltoanotherimage.jpg" />
  <label>Delete image</label>
  <input type="checkbox" value="0" />
  <input type="checkbox" name="images[idofimage2][is_deleted]" value="0" />
  <input type="hidden" name="images[idofimage2][id]" value="idofimage2" />

  <input type="file" required />

<button>Add image</button>

So we have two new input fields, one a chekbox with a label so we can still toggle it when we hide the checkbox later, and a hidden input to store the id of the target image.

I was really proud of it because I came up with it myself. Not really, I read about the array part from this blog post Big thanks, Matt Staufer. If you don’t understand how the input transforms into an array in the backend, which is crucial for understanding what I did here, I recommend reading the post first.

On the backend, we can just loop through the images array and check whether the is_deleted field is true or not (more like 0 or 1 but yeah it’s basicall ythe same). Happily I marched on to the relevant PHP file, and wrote basically this:

foreach ($images as $image) {
  if ($image->is_deleted) {
    // soft delete image from the db
   $this->db->update('is_delete', 1);

But then an error came out. The is_deleted was not there. I swear, I tried to var_dump the $key from $images and all it showed was the image id key. Why would the hidden field show up, but the checkbox which is not hidden or disabled, not? Uhhh this is the worst feeling ever you will encounter when writing code. I went semi crazy over this.

After like an hour or two with fruitless debugging, I tried checking one of the images. And oh my God it showed up.

Turns out that if a checkbox isn’t checked, it will not show up on the backend. Only when it is toggled on, then it shows up.

I hope this post saves another beginner like me from wasting countless hours from debugging… haha