Day #27 - Hi PHP, we meet again

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First of all I want to apologize for not posting for three days in a row. Yesterday I was participating in a TOEIC test from my school which had like 200 questions I think. It was really exhausting. Anyways I didn’t do much on Monday Because I already finished it all last week.

For today I was given a new task yet again. I was given guidance on the feature request, this time on the cms of the main site. like the last 2 apps I worked on it was written in PHP, codeigniter specifically. Exploring the codebase and setting up SFTP (at least this site uses secure FTP) on my vs code, I gasped in awe upon seeing one part of the codebase which had a comment that was written 7 years ago. You know what I’m implying…

Anyways the routing was all over the place I didn’t understand it at all, several pages shared a controller and a view with a large if else chain to render different pages, only several pages had a dedicated view file. Nevertheless I managed to implement one part of the ticket. Which is image input validation on the frontend.