Day #15 - Third week fun

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You may have noticed that I again have decided to jump ahead a few days in the journal. It’s partly because I’m too lazy to write, haha, but mostly because I do the same stuff over the past three days, which is implementing CRUD on another resource which still relates to the original new feature I implemented- and it would be too short for a single entry. It’s kind of a like a transaction detail where you list out the things you want to buy, the description, and the price, except it’s all corporate stuff so I don’t really understand it that well.

After completing the UI facelift for the create form, today I began working on the update form. The page is code is just as convoluted as the one on the add form, with multiple modals for the same form for different types of resources. It only took some copy pasting and a little bit of trimming unneeded stuff and changed necessary bits here and there, and the UI form the update form is complete.

Then the next day, I completed some features of the backend, where i made an endpoint to send some data in JSON. It’s really weird tho, in a Laravel app like this where everything is mostly http requests via anchor and form tags, this particular bit is communicating with the server via JSON… It just feels like it’s out of place. The spaghetti code doesn’t help either, like usual. Anything that could have been a single listener is duplicated.

I forgot to mention that the past 3 days, after it’s past 13.00, my head would get very heavy all of a sudden and I would sleep for the next 30 mins. I really feel bad because it’s like stealing time that should’ve been used for productive work…

Alright that’s all for this week