Day #12 - Finally, it's all coming together

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Good night, or day, or evening to everyone reading this. This is my third week of OJT at Metland and I’ve been enjoing it so far. As you might have noticed, today is day 12. Where is day 11? the thing is I didn’t write for yesterday because there weren’t that many things to write down, and I have decided to merge it with today’s journal entry. So let me tell you what I did today and yesterday.

Today is basically the same as yesterday, where I worked on the new feature Imentioned a few days ago. “How long are you going to work on it?” you ask, well here’s the good news, it’s all coming together today. I finally finished the the logic on the backend, and also fixed the big noticable bugs like the serial number generator. Next thing I have to do now is to tell my instructor that it’s done and to review my work and get it to the staging server to test it further. Probably. Or bombard me with more tasks. In CRUD terms, my task is only concerned for the creating part, as the viewing, editing and deleting part is already done.

I could have told him today but he looked busy after talking about choosing a tech stack about a new greenfield project in a meeting (I dont know what project it is about though). Someone mentioned tight schedules and yeah I don’t want to add to that. I hope my code works properly when I show it to him tomorrow.