Day #7 - Finally it all comes together

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Tuesday has come, and I am really happy, becuase today is the day of the task I waited from yesterday. Before we get into that, let’s talk about what I did in the morning. Because sir Adit is preoccupied with IT stuff and some meetings I didn’t bother to ask him about the task he told me about yesterday. So I decided to continue my Dicoding backend lesson where I learn about making backend apps with NodeJS and Hapi (my second ever NodeJS framework other than Express).

Right, about the task. So Metland has many internal applications, one of which is designed for creating reports (I don’t actually understand all of it lol). My task is to make a new tab in one of the pages. It wasn’t really exciting but at least I have something to do. The FTP server was really slow, but eventually I got the source code, but didn’t manage to get it running locally. I didn’t get the chance to take a tour around the code base because it’s already getting late, but checking out the router it was pretty big. The routes either show a 500 error or redirect to another central dashboard application. Maybe it has something to do with authentication. It’s okay, I’ll ask the web team tomorrow how they do local dev