Day #40 - Database migration stuff

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this post is for today and yesterday, because if I wrote a dedicated post about yesterday it would make be really short

For this week’s first task, we’re going to do some database administration stuff. Sir Adit told me a little backstory where they have this internal app for managing the company hotel assets. Now requirements have changed and the app has expanded to include the whole company, so there are lots of different kinds of assets in the database.

So then, I was told to migrate some data to from their old database to a new one which is being actively developed. They have many many tables but I was told to take care of three. ALl three have different schemas, and I managed to migrate two them easily.

One table, master_item, has 40-some duplicate data. I was about to overwrite the old data with the new one, but upon telling sir Adit he said to leave it to the development team… so I jotted down the IDs of said duplicate data, and that’s that.