Day #30 - Becoming cleaning service for code for the 100th time

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I continued to work on tasks from yesterday, which is cleaning up the main company website’s CMS. I don’t know how many times I wrote this already but man do I hate legacy code. That 2024 Stack Overflow Survey result will resonate with me forever now.

Anyways, I fixed up the carousel and removed placeholders from a form… No biggies right? Well this site has i18n, and that means it has content for Indonesian and English. You get whan I’m implying here? sigh yes, the site really duplicates all of its pages for i18n. So basically you have two websites you need to maintain, and that includes all the pages and components in it. I have to update twice as many pages. Fortunately I could make a bandaid fix by extracting the component and importing it in the pages that need it. It’s still WET, but at least I can update in one place now.